How to Get a Google Guarantee Badge: Building Trust and Winning Customers


September 13, 2024

Google Guaranteed shield logo on top of business profile mockup
In the competitive world of online business, trust is everything. As an SEO service provider, I often see businesses struggle to stand out and convince potential customers that they’re the real deal. That’s where the Google Guarantee badge comes in. This little blue shield with a checkmark can make a huge difference in how consumers perceive your business, and today, we’re going to dive into what it is, why it matters, and how to get it.

What is the Google Guarantee Badge?

The Google Guarantee badge is a symbol of trust that Google offers to businesses that meet specific eligibility criteria and pass a rigorous screening process. When a business has the Google Guarantee badge, it signals to consumers that Google stands behind the quality of their services.

Why Does the Google Guarantee Badge Matter?

Builds Trust and Credibility:

The badge instantly tells potential customers that your business is legitimate and reliable.

Increases Click-Through Rates:

Consumers are more likely to click on ads and listings that display the Google Guarantee badge, leading to more website traffic and potential leads.

Boosts Conversions:

Trust leads to sales. When customers feel confident in your business, they’re more likely to make a purchase or book your services.

Competitive Advantage:

The badge sets you apart from competitors who haven’t earned this distinction.
Image of a plumber shacking hands with their customer

Who is Eligible for the Google Guarantee Badge?

The Google Guarantee badge is currently available to businesses in specific service categories, including:
  • Home services (plumbing, electrical, HVAC, etc.)
  • Local services (locksmiths, house cleaning, etc.)
  • Professional services (lawyers, financial advisors, etc.)

Steps to Get Verified and Earn the Badge

Meet Eligibility Requirements:

Ensure your business is in an eligible service category and operates within a supported region.

Sign Up for Google Local Services Ads:

You’ll need to create a Google Local Services Ads account and set up your business profile.

Background Check:

You and your employees will need to pass a background check conducted by Google.

License and Insurance Verification:

Provide proof of valid licenses and insurance as required for your industry.

Customer Reviews and Ratings:

Maintain a positive reputation with good customer reviews and ratings on your Google Business Profile.
 review process and assess correctness

Benefits of the Google Guarantee for Consumers and Businesses:


Peace of Mind:

If a customer is dissatisfied with the work done by a Google Guaranteed business, Google may reimburse them up to the amount they paid for the service (subject to certain limits and conditions).

Confidence in Choosing a Provider:

The badge helps consumers make informed decisions and choose businesses they can trust.


Enhanced Reputation:

The badge demonstrates your commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.

Increased Visibility:

Google Guaranteed businesses are prominently displayed in search results and Local Services Ads.

Higher Conversion Rates:

The badge can lead to more leads and sales.


The Google Guarantee badge is a powerful tool that can help businesses establish trust, attract more customers, and ultimately grow their bottom line. While the verification process requires some effort, the benefits for both consumers and businesses make it well worth it. If you’re ready to take your business to the next level, consider pursuing the Google Guarantee badge and show your customers that you’re a business they can trust.


As an SEO service provider, ZipLocal can assist you with optimizing your Google Business Profile, improving your online reputation, and navigating the Google Guarantee verification process. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help! To learn more about Google Local Service Ads and how they relate to your Google guarantee Read this BLOG.

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