Premium SEO Onboarding

In order to effectively manage your SEO we require access to your analytic data. This allows us to not only analyze data and make decisions based on this data but also allows us to set up tracking for things like phone calls, clicks and form fills. We can also set up unique events for you as needed such as tracking page views or downloads from your website.
Cartoon of a the word SEO with search window and eye glass

Lets Get Started

step 1

Accessing GA4 Analytics

Google Analytics are found by accessing GA4 Analytics by logging in to Note: If you have access to more than one property (website) you will want to select the correct one from the top navigation. The next step will be to click on the gear icon at the bottom left to access the admin menu.
Analytics Dashboard
Step 2

Property Access Management

You will be adding Ziplocal through the property setting. Click on Property Access Management.

Analytics Dashboard
Step 3

Add Users

You will then click on the Plus sign in the top right corner. This will allow you to add users to your analytics property.

You will want to add as the user. We do not need admin access. Please select Editor Access. This will allow us to access what we need and will restrict us from adding/removing users.

Analytics Dashboard
Step 4

Add Roles and Data Restrictions

You will want to add as the user. We do not need admin access. Please select Editor Access. This will allow us to access what we need and will restrict us from adding/removing users.

Once you click ADD we will be notified and you are done!

Analytics Dashboard

Click To Call Tracking

As part of our standard tracking we will set up Click To Call tracking as well as form fill tracking. If you would like to track any additional events (visits to specific pages, downloads etc) just let us know and we will set those up as well. If you need help with any of these items we will be able to assist you on your welcome call. In the rare case that you do not have access to your analytics or never had analytics set up we will address that as well, either by working with you to gain access or creating/installing Analytics for you.

Get My Free Website Analysis

Our free website analysis will pinpoint areas for improvement in SEO, design, and user experience, so you can generate more leads and sales.

Get My Free Website Analysis

Our free website analysis will pinpoint areas for improvement in SEO, design, and user experience, so you can generate more leads and sales.

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