More and more businesses are including video as part of their marketing plan. If you haven’t jumped on the video wagon, here are a few reasons to consider adding a video to your advertising plan.
Video is Powerful, Engaging Content
Video is becoming more and more prevalent in our online interactions. In fact, 85% of internet users in the US watch videos online, and 45% of people reported watching more than an hour of videos on Youtube or Facebook per week, and these numbers keep growing.
Build a Connection to Your Audience
Video allows you to speak directly to your audience! By creating a promotional video that features your location, yourself or your staff you can help to establish trust and a sense of connection to viewers. That connection is valuable! Over 50% of consumers reported that watching a video made them feel more confident about making a purchase.
Improve Your Search Engine Results
Did you know that you are over 50 times more likely to show up on the first page of Google if you have a video embedded on your website? Because search engines know that video content is appealing to users, they reward sites that use video with better rankings.
Provide Mobile-Friendly Content
Over half of website visits now come from mobile devices. Having a mobile-friendly website is vital, but even mobile-friendly sites can’t compete with the ease of watching video on the go. Make sure to capture the attention of mobile users by providing them with easy to consume content!
In short, video marketing is on the rise and is expected to continue on an upward trend. There is no better time to capitalize on the advantages that custom video content can bring to your business! For more information about the video services that we provide, take a look at our video gallery or get in touch today!