3 Ways To Optimize Your Website With the Customer In Mind

April 23, 2022

Website Designer


This blog will discuss ways to optimize your website with your customers in mind. From the Marketing Team at ZipLocal

Professional website services are often the missing pieces of the puzzle for business owners who want to attract more visitors and convert them to customers. If you have spent time and money to build a professional website, you may feel frustrated when customers don’t immediately flood through your open doors. Rest easy, there are ways to optimize your website with your customer in mind!


Your first impression — or your site’s appearance and how easy it is understood by others — matters. Are visitors able to find what they need? Consider professional website design and optimization techniques that can increase your conversion rate quickly.



What Is Website Optimization?


Optimization, in a nutshell, includes methods that improve the customer’s experience on your site. For the best results in creating optimized websites, you may upgrade content, design, and search engine optimization metrics.



It’s common for people to navigate away from a confusing or poorly-designed site within 20 seconds if they have trouble understanding the layout, reading through your content, or finding the right button to press. You might consider website services for analytic data in order to measure your customers’ behavior on the site — but the problem may be as simple as changing a confusing layout or making your site’s content more interesting.



3 Customer-Friendly Optimization Ideas


Working with a good marketing company that understands website design can provide ways to optimize your website with your customer in mind. Although this process can be challenging, consider the following three ideas for optimizing your website with potential customers in mind.



1. Hire Professional Content Writers


If customers frequent your website to find information about your services, you should consider hiring a professional writer to spruce up your content. Poor quality writing, bad grammar, and misspellings can turn off potential customers. Too little information is confusing — but too much text and jargon are overwhelming. Make sure you have clearly defined calls to action as well as a page for contact information and appointments (if necessary).



2. Minimize Colors and Graphics


Stick to a minimalist aesthetic when choosing colors for your site or when working with design website services, and only add pictures to your website design when they are needed. Forego any stylistic choices, such as neon green text on a black background, that don’t seem connected to your overall theme, message, or brand. Choose colors for buttons that will direct customers to places you want them to see.



3. Understand Data Analytics


Data analytics are easy to overlook and sometimes difficult to understand, but in many cases, they provide insight when it comes to making your website more accessible and user-friendly. Consider how many visitors click through to the purchase page, how many navigate to the “About” page, and how many fill their cart but ultimately abandon it to learn which parts of your site you need to change or optimize first.



Get In Touch


Your website should work for you — not against you. Contact Zip Local today to discuss your needs for website services and determine your next steps. We look forward to helping you create a highly converting, aesthetically pleasing site that will leave a great first impression on every potential customer who visits.



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